Senin, 12 Mei 2014

Materi... transalation indo - ing

1.    Saya sulit percaya bahwa pencuri itu bisa selamat sampai tujuannya.

I find it hard to believe that the thief could reach his destination safely.

Kalau destination diganti jadi goal => tak bisa karena tak collocation.

Lapangan golf => golf course bukan golf field.

Can safe until his detination. => safe nya salah penempatan. Safe memang ada jenis nounnya.. tapi beda arti dengan yang adjective.

Can arrived => salah. Yang betul can arrive atau could arrive.

Arrive itu butuh pronoun phrase. Tak butuh objek langsung. Sama seperti dengan dream dan berbagai macam verb lainnya.

2.    Hanya dengan kerja keras ia berusaha melarikan diri dari penjara.

Only by hard work did he manage to escape from the prison.

Manage diikuti to + infinitive (kata dasar)

Succeed diikuti in + gerund

Try diikuti to + infinitive (kata dasar)

Escape adalah intransitive. Tak bisa diberi objek. Jadi escaping himself salah.

3.    Pada mulanya, ia harus memanjat tembok yang tingginya lima meter.

At first, he had to climb up a five-meter-high wall. (pakainya noun phrase)

A high wall yang benar, bukan a wall high.

4.    Tak lama setelah ia menuruni tembok itu lalu ia harus melewati pos polisi.

No sooner did he climb down the wall than he had to pass a police station/post.

Kalau ada emphasis (did) sebelum clause… verbnya menjadi bentuk present. Kalau dikalimat ini contohnya climb. Dia tak menjadi climbed tapi tetap climb. Karena ada inversi/emphasis.

Hati hati dengan he through the police post. Karena kalimat tersebut salah.

5.    Hnaya secara kebetulan ia berhasil lewat pos polisi itu karena anjing-anjing pelacak sedang diberi makan.

Only by a chance did he succeed in passing the police station as the bloodhounds were being fed. (aspectnya continous, ditambah passive voice)

Bloodhound/ k9 = anjing pelacak

6.    Meskipun sudah terbiasa mencuri, pencuri itu begitu ketakutan sehingga ia hanya berjalan pelan-pelan di depan pos polisi.

Though he got used to stealing, the thief was so frightened that he only walked very slowly in front of the police station.

be used to + Verb + ing => be bisa diganti become atau get. (dulu)

Used to + verb. (terbiasa)

So………. Than => demikian………. sehingga.

7.    Ia juga kehilangan semua uang yang telah dicurinya ketika terjatuh di dekat tembok.

He also lost all (of) his money he had stolen when he fell down near the wall.

8.    Ia merasa sangat sedih karena ketinggalan kereta yang berangkat lima menit lebih awal

He felt very sad because he missed the train which departed five minutes earlier.

9.    Namun demikian, ia lebih baik berlari terus sebelum hari menjadi terlalu terang.

However, he had better go on running away before dawn/daylight/it got too bright.

However, he had better go on running away before daylight.

However, he had better go on running away before it got too bright.

Dawn bisa preposisi. Artinya pagi buta.

10.                       Menjelang matahari terbit, ia pasti telah tiba ditempat yang ditujunya.

By sunrise, he must have arrived at the place he headed for (his destination)

By sunrise, he must have arrived at the place he intended to go

Must have => perfect dan modal must.

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