Minggu, 04 Mei 2014


Problem Jargon, comparative, phrasal Verb.
1.    Ia melepaskan sarung-tangannya dan melemparkannya.
She took her gloves off and threw (phrasal verb) them away.
2.    Epidemi flu-babi akan merebak di kota.
An epidemic swine-flu (jargon) will break out in the city
3.    Karyana lebih baik dari milikku tetapi tak sebaik karya John
His work is better than (comparative) mine but not as good as John.

4.    Kukira sebaiknya kamu pulang sebelum hari menjadi terlalu gelap.
I think you should go home before it is getting too dark.
I think you had better (sebaiknya, dalam proses) go home before it is getting too dark.
I think you would rather (sebaiknya) go home before it is getting too dark.
5.    Ia begitu ketakutan sehingga tidak mengucapkan sepatah kata pun.
so/too… that = sehingga
She was so scared (atau was frightened) that she didn’t say (atau utter) any word at all (ditambahi kata ini tak apa, tidak juga tak apa).
She was so afraid that she didn’t say a single word.

6.     Anak-anak perempuan menangis ketika masuk rumah, seolah-olah mereka jengkel.
As if.
As = Ketika = when
The girls were crying when (when diikuti clause) they entered house, as if they were upset.
The girls were crying when (when sebagai preposision) entering house, as if they were upset.
7.    Kebanyakan mahasiswa menghabiskan hampir semua uangnya untuk buku.
Most of the students spent almost all their money on (SPEND diikuti on bukan for) books.

8.    Saya sulit pecaya bahwa kamu telah berbohong.
I am hard to believe that you have a lie.
I find it hard (idiom yang mempunyai arti sulit percaya) to believe that you have told a lie.
9.    Tak lama setelah ia masuk kamar lalu ia meninggalkannya lagi.
No sooner… than = tak lama
No sooner had (inversion => untuk menegaskan dan menekankan) he entered the room than he left it again.
Do you have the time? (Menjawabnya langsung sebutkan jamnya)
Yes, 3.30.

10. Hanya dengan kerja keras ia berhasil lulus ujian.
Only (menggunakan emphasis) by hard work did he manage to pass the examination
11.  Ini tepat waktunya anak-anak pulang.
It is high time for the children to go home.
Saya tidak suka nasi. I don’t like rice. Saya juga tidak. Neither do (emphasis) I.

12. John kehilangan ular jinak yang dipelihara anak perempuannya.
John lost the (the= suma satu-satunya, kalau a = brarti his daughternya punya ular lebih dari satu) tame snake which (bisa dihilangkan) his daughter took care.
John lost the tame snake his daughter took care.
John lost the tame snake which his daughter looked after.
13. Saya sangat terganggu ketinggalan kereta yang berangkat lima menit lebih awal.
I was terribly annoyed to miss the trains that left 5 minutes earlier
I was terribly annoyed to miss the trains that departed 5 minutes earlier

14. Jika kamu tak pergi sekarang kamu akan terlambat
If you don’t go now, you will be late
Unless you go now, you will be late
15. Pistol yang ia bawa tak pernah terisi
The gun he carries (active voice) is never loaded (passive voice).

Tense & aspect, parallelism
Aspect = perfective dan progressive.
Tense = past, present, and future.
Parallelism = setara.
16. Menjelang akhir tahun ini, ia pasti telah menyelesaikan skripsinya.
By the end of this year, she must have finished her thesis.
17. Mobil itu harus dicuci dahulu dan kemudian dipoles.
The car should be washed (washed dan polished => parallelism) first and then polished (Verb ke tiga…. Past participle).

18. Apakah kamu keberatan saya pinjamkan payungmu?
Do you mind if (Conjunction yang digunakan sebagai conditional, harus diikuti clause) I borrow your umbrella (Clause)?
Do you mind me borrowing your umbrella? (biasanya keluar di test TOEFL by pak Herudjati)

19. Saya menjadi terbiasa minum bir.
I become accustomed to (terbiasa) drinking beer
I become used to (terbiasa)drinking beer
I am (to be) used to (prepo… harus diikuti oleh noun) drinking (gerund => menjadi noun) beer.
I get used to drinking beer.
20. Ketika kecil saya dulu biasa minum susu.
When I was small (saat menggunakan kata child, ada masalah yang harus dipikirkan, article nya apa?), I used to drink (Bedanya dengan I am used to drinking beer dan I used to drink milk adalah pada to be, become, dan get. Kalau tak memakai to be, become, dan get; tak perlu pakai –ing. Selain itu penggunaan used to tanpa to be, become, dan get menunjukkan past tense.) milk
When I was a child (Harus ada articlenya… yang dipilih a bukan the), I used to drink milk.

21. Sungai yang diseberanginya lebarnya setengah kilometer.
The river she crosses (Boleh crosses atau crossed) is half-a-kilometer wide.
5 more minutes => 5 menit lagi => bukan 5 minutes more.
How tall are you?
22. Apapun yang ia kerjakan, ia dapat diandalkan/dipercaya.
Done => aspect perfective atau pasif. Jadi tak bisa jika tanpa HAVE/HAS atau to be sebelum kata done.
Whatever he did, he can be trusted.
Whatever he does, he can be relied upon (Dari on).

23. Andaikata Valention Rossi berpacu lebih cepat, ia akan memenangkan pacuan itu.
If Valentino had (Past participle => menunjukkan conditional clause yang tak mungkin terjadi. Contoh lainnya: If I were you) Rossi ridden faster, he would have won the race.
Had (Emphasis, inverse) Valentino Rossi ridden faster, he would have won the race.
24. Hanya secara kebetulan ia berhasil memperoleh banyak uang.
Only by chance did (Emphasis…. => Inversi, verb yang diletakkan di depan sebelum subject) he succeed in (Succeed pasangannya in) finding much money (Money tak bisa dihitung makanya pasangannya adalah much).

25. Kami telah menuggu anjing itu ditangkap
We have waited for (Wait pasangannya for) the dog to be captured (passive).
26. Buku itu perlu (harus) dibaca.
The book is necessary to read.
The book is a must to read.
The book should be read.
27. Film biru itu tak pantas untuk dilihat.
The blue movie is not worth to seeing (noun).

28. Saya akan berterimakasih jika kamu akan menjawab surat ini sebelum Mei.
I should be grateful if you would answer this letter by May
29. Jika anda punya masalah, jangan ragu memberitahu saya secepatnya.
Should you have any problem, do not hesitate to let me know as soon as possible.

Any digunakan untuk negative dan pertanyaan.

Do you have any money? (pertanyaan) present.
I don’t have any money. (negative)
Melarang tapi seolah-olah menawarkan. Seperti kamu tak mau lagi kan? => itulah maksud dari any

Idom, Causative Have
30. Dekan kami selalu mengumpulkan dana setiap bulan tetapi ia tidak pernah bisa memperoleh cukup uang untuk menyuruh orang memperbaiki kantin.
Our Dean always gathers fund every month but he is never being able to get enough money to ask a person to repair the canteen.
Our Dean is always raising money every month but he has never managed to get enough money to have the canteen repaired.

Kemaren aku potong rambut.
I have my hair cut yesterday.

Prep. Phrase, make of
31. Wanita itu berlinang air mata ketika menyadari bahwa suaminya dililit banyak hutang.
The women was in tears when she realized that her husband was in serious debt.
32. Rumahnya --- meskipun tiga tingkat tingginya---terbuat dari batu.
The house--- though three stories high --- was built of stone
The house--- though three stories high --- was made of stone

Stories = tingkat
The girl in red = gadis berbaju merah

33. Patung dewi itu tampak benar-benar sangat anggun tapi, sejauh ini, para arkeologi belum bisa menemukan identitasnya.
The goddess statue looked very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archeologist has been unable to discover her identity.

Aspect tense = continous/ progressive
Look at => kenapa ada kata “at”? kata kerja intansitif makanya ada perposisi “at”
Dream of you => dream you tak bisa, karena dream kata kerja intansitif.
“Run slow” (tak bisa) yang benar “run slowly”
Look smart (bisa) => look disini kata kerja yang diikuti adjective langsung. Hanya beberapa saja kata kerja yang seperti ini. Contoh “smell well” (bisa), “smell good” (bisa)
“Taste good”
The dog smells well (benar).
He seems to be happy (biasanya di kamus ada to be nya)
It sounds good.

34. Ketika menikah, Doddy terlalu malu untuk berbicara apapun tentang pekerjaannya kepada istrinya.
When he got married, Doddy was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job.
When he got married, Doddy was too embarrassed to tell his wife anything about his job.

When married (salah) karena when adalah conjunction, dimana setelah conjunction harus ada minimal satu klausa (S+V). Yang betul adalah when he got married.
When jika posisinya sebagai preposition maka hanya membutuhkan Noun Phrase. Seperti ini, When going home.

Bedanya say dan tell
Tell langsung. I tell you.
Kalau say harus ada preposition yang mengikuti. I say something to you.

35. Beberapa orang mengeluh tentang ‘suara-suara mirip kucing’ di malam hari dan seorang pengusaha dalam perjalanan memancing melihat puma itu di atas pohon.
Several people complained of ‘cat-like noises’ at night and a business-man on a fishing trip saw a puma up on a tree.
Several people complained of ‘cat-like noises’ at night and a business-man on the way to fish saw a puma up on a tree.

Persamaan several dan some.
Several people = beberapa walaupun dipakai di apapun noun tetap artinya beberapa.
Some boys = beberapa.
Some boy = satu anak.
Complain harus diikuti dengan preposisi of atau about.
Up on a tree = dipucuk atau ditempat paling ujung.

36. Para ahli sekarang benar-benar diyakinkan bahwa binatang itu adalah seekor puma tetapi itu telah datang / berasal?
The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from?

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