Minggu, 14 September 2014


37. Karena tidak ada puma telah dilaporkan hilang dari kebun binatang di negeri ini, maka puma itu pasti telah dimiliki oleh kolektor swasta dan telah melarikan diri.
As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape.
Because, no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. (tidak bisa because of karena diikuti klausa)
Mengapa ada kata any?
Bedanya a, the, any? A = benda satu dan masih lum jelas. The = bendanya sudah jelas. Any = benda bisa banyak, biasanya dipakai untuk kalimat yang bernuansa negatif.

38. perburuan berjalan terus selama beberapa minggu tetapi puma itu tidak tertangkap.
The hunt went on for several weeks but the puma was not caught.
Go on = berlangsung.

39. binatang liar yang berbahaya masih berkeliaran di pedesaan yang tenang.
A dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.
At large = berkeliaran (idiom)
Pulas/nyenyak = sleep soundly.

40. Wanita yang berbaju merah itu adalah adik istri saya.
The woman in a red shirt is my sister in law.
The woman in red is my sister in law.

41. Ia ketakutan setengah mati ketika melihat ular yang telah dipukulinya tak mati-mati juga.
She was so scared to death when she found the snake she had beaten up died hard.
Contoh kasusnya sama seperti dengan, aku bertemu dengan wanita yang kau sukai. I meet a woman you love.

42. Tak lama setelah ia berhasil membunuh ular sepanjang satu setengah meter itu ia menghampiri anaknya.
No sooner did she manage to kill the one and half meter long snake, than she stepped up to her daughter.

No sooner did she succeed in killing the one and half meter long snake, than she stepped up to her daughter.

43. Ia hanya bisa duduk terpaku sambil berlinang air mata ketika melihat ibunya kesetanan, memukuli ular dan berteriak-teriak keras sekali.
She could only sit still in tears when looking at her mother, who was mad, beating up the snake and shouting loudly.

NEITHER & emphasis
44. Ibunya tidak suka dengan ular itu, demikian juga anak itu.
Her mother did not like the snake, neither did the girl. (negative)
Her mother likes the snake, so does the girl. (positif)

Puji syukur kami dapatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT. Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena hanya berkat rahmat dan karunia Nyalah kami dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan dan penerbitan buku ini.
Our deepest gratitude shall be given to Allah SWT, God the almighty. Because only through His blessing we could finish the arrangement and the publishing of this book. (kurang tepat)
Our deepest goes to God the almighty. Due to His blessing we could accomplish (complete) the composition and publication of this book. (sederhana, pendek, prep phrase, pilihan kata yang tepat.)

Buku ini memberikan informasi tentang sejarah dan eksistensi batik di Jawa Tengah. Buku ini memuat tentang batik Surakarta, batik Banyumas, dan batik Pesisiran (batik pekalongan, Semarang, dan Rembang).

This book gives information about the history of batik and its existence in Central Java. It includes batik Surakarta, batik Banyumas, and coastal batik (batik from Pekalongan, Semarang, and Rembang)

 This book provides the reader with information on the history and existence of batik in Central Java. It describes batik Surakarta, batik Banyumas, and coastal batik (batik from Pekalongan, Semarang, and Rembang) (tepat)

44) Suami saya mengantar saya ke sekolah tiap pagi.
My husband takes me to school every morning.

45. kamu lebih baik naik taxi ke sekolah
You had better take a taxi to the school. (biasanya menggunakan take a bus, take a car, take a taxi daripada menggunakan ride a taxi, ride a bus, etc)
46. apakah kamu membawa kamus?
Do you bring a dictionary?
Do you take a dictionary with you?
47. saya akan pergi dan mengambilkan kamus untukmu.
I will go and fetch a dictionary for you

Saya mimpi tadi malam
I dreamed last night
Saya mimpikan kamu
I dreamed of you last night
Saya memaafkanmu
I forgive you.
Saya minta ma’af padamu
I apologize to you

Phrasal Verb
48. maukah kamu datang dan mengantarku pergi di stasiun.
Will you come and see me off at the station?
49. sekretarisku akan mengantarmu keluar
My secretary will take you out
50. tiga teman saya akan mengunjungi pabrik biscuit Nissin minggu depan.
Three friends of mine are going to see over Nissin biscuit factory next week.

51. Halte bis hanya beberapa meter saja jauhnya
The bus-stop is just a stone’s throw away.
The bus-stop is only several meters away.
As light as a feather => seringan kapas
Sambil menyelam minum air => shoot two bird with one peluru.
52. Orang yang belanja dihadapkan pada situasi yang begitu membingungkan sehingga mereka masih tampak bingung dengan apa yang telah terjadi.
Shoppers are faced with such a confusing situation that they seem confused about what has happened.
So………….. that
Such (a) …………. That => situasi yang begitu
53. Beberapa persoalan penting timbul sejak kampanye politik terakhir
Several important matters have arisen since the last political campaign (kata since => tanda menggunakan perfect)
My friend passed exam yesterday => temanku telah lulus ujian kemarin. (tidak termasuk perfect karena yesterday)
54. Ia sedang berharap memulai usaha sendiri jika bisa menaikkan/mengumpulkan modal
He is hoping to start his own business if he can raise the capital.
55. Pesawat membumbung ke langit seperti burung besar.
The plane rose into the sky like a giant bird.

56. Jangan kamu pasang sekrup terlalu kencang karena kita harus bisa melepasnya dengan tangan.
You musn’t fix the nut too tightly because we have to be able to loosen it by hand.
57. Pegangan laci ini telah longgar, bisakah kamu mengencangkannya untukku?
The handle of this drawer has been loose can you tighten it for me?
Fasten your seat-belt => kencangkan
58. Ia telah kehilangan pekerjaannya dan akan segera kehilangan pacarnya juga.
He has lost his job and is going to lose his girlfriend very soon.

59. Andaikata kamu tahu dia sebaik saya tahu dia, saya yakin kamu akan menyukainya.
If you know him as well I did, I am sure you would like him.
60. beberapa orang menganggap bahwa preposisi adalah kata yang jelek untuk mengakhiri sebuah kalimat.
Some people think that a preposition is a bad word to end a sentence with.

61. Sejak itu, Rolex telah merintis setiap terobosan penting dalam pembuatan jam-tangan.
Since then, Rolex have pioneered every major breakthrough in the manufacture of wrist-watch.
Since then, Rolex has pioneered every important breakthrough in the manufacture of wrist-watch.
Karena Rolex pabrik jadi bisa menggunakan have atau has.
62. Manager ingin perincian lengkap dari pengeluaranmu tahun ini.
The manager wants a complete breakdown of your expenditure this year.

63. Polisi sedang mencari tiga narapidana. Tampaknya ada pelarian dari penjara tadi malam.
The police are looking for three prisoners. Apparently there was a breakout last night.
64. Para dokter khawatir tentang terjangkitnya wabah malaria di daerah ini
The doctors are worried about the outbreak of malaria in this area
The doctors are concerned about the outbreak of malaria in this area

COMPOUND NOUNS: breakdown; break-up
65. Ia menderita gangguan mental tahun lalu.
She suffered from mental breakdown last year.
66. Saya tidak pernah punya kerusakan di mobil ini.
I have never had a breakdown in this car.
Broken-down = adjective
Breakdown = noun
Mobil ini tak pernah rusak
The car is never broken-down.
67. Baik Susan dan John merasa tidak bahagia sejak pecahnya perkawinan mereka.
Both Susan and John have been unhappy since the break-up of their marriage.

68. Cuaca dingin tidak menggangguku sampai saat ini.
The cold weather has not bothered me up to now.
The cold weather has not bothered me so far.
69. Apakah kamu telah menjenguk ibumu akhir-akhir ini.
Have you visited your mother lately?
70. saya belum bertemu ibuku di rumah sakit.
I have not met my mom in hospital yet.

71. Dibanding sepuluh tahun lalu, tidak begitu banyak kesempatan bagi sarjana sekarang.
Compared to ten years ago, there aren’t so many opportunities for graduates now.
72. Ia tidak punya kesempatan untuk mendapatakan pekerjaan itu.
He has no chance of getting job.
73. Kamu akan sempat menyesali pembolosanmu.
You will have occasion to regret your playing truant.
74. Tidak ada kemungkinan bagimu untuk ujian ulang.
There is no possibility for you to have another exam.

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