Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Part of Speech

Part of speech = kelas kata
Part of speech ada 8, yaitu:
  1. Verb
  2. Noun
  3. Adjective
  4. Adverb = add+verb => contoh  I run quickly (quickly = adverb)
  5. Pronoun = pro (untuk) + noun = mengganti kata noun

The man besides me is my brother. He (pronoun yang meggantikan the man)  is a student of diponegoro university

  1. Preposition = pre (sebelum) +position (letak) = kata yang letaknya sebelum kata benda (noun)
  2. Conjunction = Con (menghubungkan)+junction (perempatan/ pertigaan) = menghubungkan dua kalimat atau lebih
  3. Interjection = kata seru. Ouch, hum, gedebang.

Verb pattern dibagi 2
-          Intransitive = tanpa objek. Sleep. Cry. walk (I walk you home (intransitive) I walk the dog (transitive))-          Transitive = butuh objek. walk
  1. Saya membiarkan ibu memasak di dapur
I let my mother cook (Invinity without "s" dan tanpa "to")  in the kitchen

  1. Saya menganjurkan ibu memasak di dapur
I suggest that my mother cooks (Bisa menjadi cook bisa menjadi cooks)  in the kitchen

  1. Saya mengizinkan ibu memasak di dapur
I allow my mother to cook in the kitchen
  1. Saya menyuruh ibu memasak di dapur
I ask my mother to cook in the kitchen
  1. Saya mencegah ibu memasak di dapur
I prevent (Prevent itu gandengan/ pasangannya from)  my mother from cooking [u5] in the kitchen

  1. Saya melarang ibu memasak di dapur
I forbid my mother to cook in the kitchen
  1. Saya mempersilahkan ibu memasak di dapur
I invite my mother to cook in the kitchen
  1. Saya memerintah ibu memasak di dapur
I order my mother to cook in the kitchen
  1. Saya membantu ibu memasak di dapur
I help my mother cook (Bisa ditambah “to” sebelum cook)  in the kitchen

  1. I like cooking (Setalah like selalu ada noun)

 Meminta = ask for

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