Senin, 12 Mei 2014

Materi... transalation indo - ing

1.    Saya sulit percaya bahwa pencuri itu bisa selamat sampai tujuannya.

I find it hard to believe that the thief could reach his destination safely.

Kalau destination diganti jadi goal => tak bisa karena tak collocation.

Lapangan golf => golf course bukan golf field.

Can safe until his detination. => safe nya salah penempatan. Safe memang ada jenis nounnya.. tapi beda arti dengan yang adjective.

Can arrived => salah. Yang betul can arrive atau could arrive.

Arrive itu butuh pronoun phrase. Tak butuh objek langsung. Sama seperti dengan dream dan berbagai macam verb lainnya.

Minggu, 04 Mei 2014


Problem Jargon, comparative, phrasal Verb.
1.    Ia melepaskan sarung-tangannya dan melemparkannya.
She took her gloves off and threw (phrasal verb) them away.
2.    Epidemi flu-babi akan merebak di kota.
An epidemic swine-flu (jargon) will break out in the city
3.    Karyana lebih baik dari milikku tetapi tak sebaik karya John
His work is better than (comparative) mine but not as good as John.

4.    Kukira sebaiknya kamu pulang sebelum hari menjadi terlalu gelap.
I think you should go home before it is getting too dark.
I think you had better (sebaiknya, dalam proses) go home before it is getting too dark.
I think you would rather (sebaiknya) go home before it is getting too dark.
5.    Ia begitu ketakutan sehingga tidak mengucapkan sepatah kata pun.
so/too… that = sehingga
She was so scared (atau was frightened) that she didn’t say (atau utter) any word at all (ditambahi kata ini tak apa, tidak juga tak apa).
She was so afraid that she didn’t say a single word.

6.     Anak-anak perempuan menangis ketika masuk rumah, seolah-olah mereka jengkel.
As if.
As = Ketika = when
The girls were crying when (when diikuti clause) they entered house, as if they were upset.
The girls were crying when (when sebagai preposision) entering house, as if they were upset.
7.    Kebanyakan mahasiswa menghabiskan hampir semua uangnya untuk buku.
Most of the students spent almost all their money on (SPEND diikuti on bukan for) books.